Nem, ezt nem a mód fejlesztői találták ki, hanem a rajongók ötlete volt. A rajongók szavazták meg, hogy legyenek benne gyerekek, és hogy meg is lehessen ölni őket. Ha jól olvastam, akkor olyan lesz benne a gyermekbántalmazás, mint a Bullyban. De ha megölsz mondjuk egy gyereket, akkor négycsillagos körözésben részesülsz. Tessék, bemásolom ide a mód fejlesztőinek a közleményét ezzel kapcsolatosan:
Bullworth gameplay elements
Here's the final concept on how the gameplay mechanics around Bullworth would work. It seems like most people want me to add the "wanted level when hitting children" concept, so that's what we're going with.
The concept describes how we could still implement this feature with still giving the player the choice to kill them or not."
Trespassing feature
Some area's in Bullworth are not meant to be visited. Like in Bully, you get a wanted level when you are trespassing.
Now, onto the trespassing. The following list of area's in Bullworth are most likely going to be counted as "private property":
The Academy and interiors
The Asylum and interior
The Chemical Power Plant and interior
When entering one of these area's, the player will simply recieve a two star wanted level and is informed (only once, it will not show the message again, like how Rockstar handles informative messaging) that they can't enter certain area's.
You can prevent getting a wanted level by simply wearing a prefect uniform inside school grounds (not an asylum uniform) and an asylum uniform (not a prefect uniform) inside the asylum. The Chemical Power Plant simply won't have any way to prevent the player from getting a wanted level."
Children mechanic
The concept pretty much remains the same, however I'd make it so the player gets a 4 star wanted level for killing children in any means (running them over also counts), just like how Bully had a feature where hitting a girl would give the player a high wanted level.
Result of killing them
Ofcourse, getting SWAT sent after you for murdering children seems unrealistic, but this is GTA, and it will serve as a good way to add children without too much problems.
Turf wars
Taking over Bully's clicques is not going to be possible though. This is because I don't want to force people to progress through killing them. They will be given the option to kill them or not.
Spawn rate
The spawn rate would be lowered if possible to make children a bit more rare. So people wouldn't get a 4 star wanted level for running over a child by accident often."
"Another concept tied to adding the curfew Bully featured, which will add a realistic touch to Bullworth.
Bully uses a curfew so we'd have to make a zone based popcycle.dat solution untill we get to add entirely new popcycle zones.
This means that children wouldn't be seen at night, but however you can spot them at daytime.
It will serve as a realistic touch so it would still feel a bit like the original Bully."
Ennyi lenne. Remélem, most már minden világos.